Bachelor’s in Interior Design

Interior Design brings meaning to the built environment. It addresses the enactment of life in space. It recognizes the orders - both tangible and intangible, through which human beings occupy space and particularize it to the acts of living and inhabitation. Interior Design encompasses a syncretic outlook built on the understanding of various aspects of life.

CEPT University, through the Faculty of Design, offers a full time five-year professional program in Interior Design, leading to the award of Bachelor of Interior Design (BID).

To facilitate the holistic development of the designer, the education at the Faculty of Design employs a threefold approach. First is the enrichment of the mind by inputs from the liberal arts, second is the development of the skills of the hands by experimenting in the workshop and the third is the synthesis of this knowledge into design solutions relevant to the physical as well as the temporal context.

The program is structured to allow students to understand human habitation by exposure to different contexts through various means like in-class lifelike experiences, field trips, living with craftsmen and case studies encountered at various phases in the student life. These engagements enable the students to be both reflective and responsive designers.

The curriculum is designed to facilitate the holistic development of the students with an emphasis on the development of skills, knowledge as well as the critical faculties and rational thinking. Thus the learning involves simultaneous inputs from theory and workshop subjects that eventually find a synthesis in design exercises undertaken as design studios.

Courses like freehand drawing, technical drawing, color workshop, graphic design as well as workshops in creative writing hone skills required for effective communication. In addition to the formal classroom and studio based courses and workshops, students are exposed to various scenarios of learning such as the Related Study Programs and Practical Training. The learning process culminates in a Research Thesis that the students undertake upon the completion of nine semesters of formal course requirements.

This program in Interior Design is internationally recognized. Its alumni are amongst successful practising designers of India, work at the foremost global design practices, teach and conduct research at reputable global universities and are notable social entrepreneurs of the country. The program provides students with diverse opportunities to pursue their interests and build a strong career.

Note: Admissions closed since 2023