The Anchor Institute concept of Government of Gujarat is one of the proactive approaches for development of need-based and readily employable managerial as well as technical manpower at various levels in the state to meet massive requirement of high quality skilled personnel for fast growing infrastructure sector, including real estate. Government of Gujarat approved CEPT University as State Level Anchor Institute for Infrastructure Sector and also approved a budget for operationalization of the programs. The activities of the Anchor Institute were formally launched with a kick-off workshop held at CEPT University on 3 October 2009. CEPT University has been working in the education sector for over five decades. As a part of the mission to provide excellence in education, CEPT University is constantly in the process of updating the courses in response to changing industry requirements and changing student needs.
The Anchor Institute as elaborated in the Government Resolution No. CED-112007/2081(1)/I dated 27/2/2009 earmarks the competency levels of the institutes identified at different levels. Establishment of a State Level Anchor Institute in the Infrastructure Sector would have following primary objectives:
- To formulate need based programs/ new courses and their content through appropriate market analysis, industry input, visits.
- To review existing courses available nationally and internationally
- To suggest additional courses at degree and other levels in the State
- To develop/ upgrade existing skilled manpower for design, execution, operation and maintenance of various infrastructure projects through designing, formulating and conducting new need based courses/ programs.
- To continuously identify new areas of growth
- To carry out Capacity Building of the Identified nodal institutes at different levels in the form of upgrading infrastructure, Training of the Trainers through expert faculty from institutes, industries and professionals, conducting workshops, modular courses, etc.
- To identify and develop new courses according to sector and market need
- To prepare teaching, learning and reference material for Trainers Training Programs