CEPT University launched its Winter Exhibition 2020 on 12th December, 5 pm, through a website launch. The biannual exhibition will be available on exhibition.cept.ac.in
CEPT University cordially invites you to the inauguration of its Winter Exhibition 2020, through the world of pixels. In continuation with the Monsoon Semester, which was conducted completely online, our bi-annual exhibition is online this year.
Like always, the exhibition showcases the work of students in different studio units.
Please register on the link below to confirm your participation in the online launch scheduled on 12th Dec at 5 pm.
The link:
If you are unable to register or access the above link, you could also join us through the YouTube live streaming link -
https://youtu.be/vImpK9PuIGs.The public link of the exhibition will be shared soon after the launch on the
CEPT University website and social media portals. Over the next few days, virtual tours will also be conducted by different studios from the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the University.
We look forward to your participation in the launch.
Itinerary-Winter Exhibition 2020
5.00 pm Welcome note by Chirayu Bhatt
5.05 pm Group photo
5.10 pm Talk by Dr. Bimal Patel
5.15 pm Walkthrough to the CEPT Winter Exhibition website by Prof. Jay Thakkar
5.20 pm Vote of Thanks by Chirayu Bhatt
Click on the image to enlarge