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CAADRIA 2023 – 'Human Centric' | 18-24 March 2023.
The 28th Annual International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research (CAADRIA) in Asia, will be hosted by Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University, from 18-24 March 2023.
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About The Conference
The CAADRIA conference is an annual conference for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia ( the Asia Pacific region. Since 1996, its conferences have been held in a wide range of countries including Singapore, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, China, New Zealand and Thailand.
The conference provides an opportunity for teachers, students, researchers, and practitioners to meet each other and learn about the latest research in the field. The proceedings of the conference will be made available both online and in research libraries around the world and will be indexed in CUMINCAD, a cumulative index of publications about computer aided architectural design.
CAADRIA 2023 Conference Theme: Human-Centric
In the 21st century, the global immersion in technology has connected the world like never before, and technological impact is reaching even some of the most remote and impoverished areas of the world. As a consequence, the advancement and adoption of new technologies in all aspects of our society have profoundly changed how we design our environment to be healthy, liveable and equitable.
Computational design, simulation, analysis, fabrication, and management allow us to evaluate and forecast the performance of habitats with a deeper understanding of contexts.
Technology for social good is an agenda to articulate values, behaviours, and attitudes that focus on social impact – placing people at the focal point. In the context of a rapidly changing climate, it is has become evident that we are approaching a moment of no return; a moment in which our fate hangs in the balance. We as a species, and the societies we construct, must take immediate action and work collectively towards a brighter and more sustainable future.
CAADRIA 2023 calls in particular for contributions addressing the conference theme by discussing the influence of technology on society, economy, environment, and governance pertaining to habitats where people are at the heart of the construction industry. We invite conversations and debate around key questions:
How do different computational design approaches contribute to the design, development and policy making of complex societies?
To what extent automation, machine intelligence and control of complex systems impact societal development?
How does the practical and real-world applications of computational research and technologies advance broader social well-being?
The 28th Annual Conference for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) brings together academics, researchers, and practitioners to contribute to the fields of computational design methods, instruments, and processes to innovate for humans. Contributions focusing on the Asia/Pacific context are be particularly encouraged.
The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) is an independent non-profit academic organization that promotes teaching and research in CAAD in Asia and has members on six continents. CAADRIA was founded in 1996 with the following objectives:
• To facilitate the dissemination of information about CAAD among Asian schools of architecture, planning, engineering, and building sciences.
• To encourage the exchange of staff, students, experience, courseware, and software among schools.
• To identify research and develop needs in CAAD education and to initiate collaboration to satisfy them.
• To promote research and teaching in CAAD that enhances creativity rather than production.
CAADRIA’s membership is open to individuals, not institutions, and is extended to all who teach or conduct research in computer aided architectural design. It is one of the four founding organizations of the International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC), published by Multi-Science in both paper and electronic versions, and supervises one issue each year.