Webinar on ‘Productive Playgrounds: Design strategies to recover productive and industrial architectures’
(Part of B.UD Informal Talks lecture series)
By Giulia Setti, who is an architect and has pursued her PhD in Architecture and Urban Design at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy where she is an Assistant Professor now.
28th August, Friday, 2020 | 07:00 p.m. (IST)
What does it mean for the cities to deal with industrial disposals nowadays? What kind of relationships could exist between the processes of industrial dismantlement and the continuous changes that are affecting contemporary cities?
The talk will investigate the characters of the current forms of disposal, industrial and not, and the ways in which abandon productive architectures could be transformed, as well as the possibility of their reconversion and reuse into new productive spaces, albeit with different conditions.
Her presentation will also address the spatial aspects related to re-use and recycle strategies in the industrial fields, to understand which tools are necessary for to transform these buildings, in terms of structures, materials, languages.
Guilia's research addresses urban regeneration and transformation of the industrial tissues and buildings with focus on disposal, reuse and recovery of industrial sites and architectures in the era of post-production.
She had carried out teaching and research at CEPT between 2014 and 2015. Through research, seminars, and workshops she conducted study of diversity and characters of informal public spaces and architecture in Indian context. Her recent published articles are titled “Beyond the Divestment: Recovery Strategies for Industrial Fabric and Products” and “Urban Tensions: A research on the Changing city.
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