
Devanshu Pandit
Adjunct ProfessorMy objectives of teaching civil engineering students are to prepare them for complex engineering projects with the state of the art construction and management skills.
Degree | Institution | Field | Year of Completion |
Master of Engineering (Civil) | SVNIT, Surat | Water Resoruce Management | 1994 |
Master of Business Administration | IGNOU, New Delhi | Operation Management | 2001 |
Master of Engineering (Civil) | Texas A&M University, USA | Construction Engineering & Management | 2008 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engg) | SVNIT | Project Management | 2015 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) | BVM, Sardar Patel University | 1989 |
Areas of Expertise
- Construction Productivity: Measuring and improving construction productivity, optimization, wastage analysis,
- Project Cost Management: Parametric cost estimation, life cycle cost analysis, equipment cost analysis.
- Construction Contracts: Contractor selection, consultant selection, contract condition, PPP contracts.
- Project Development Efficiency: Measuring project development efficiency, linking it with project results, project development index.
- Construction Methods Improvement: Critical success factors for particular type of construction, improving project completion prediction, optimization of casting yard and job layouts.
- Solid Waste Management: comparative study of SWM in cities, SWM indicators, Optimization of transportation costs, demolition waste, onsite recycling, zero waste, PPP in SWM.
- Other project management areas: Risk management, lean construction,
Courses Taught
Sr No. | Course Name | Semester |
1 | Construction Project Formulation and Appraisal | M-2023 |
2 | Construction Project Management | M-2023 |
3 | Construction Engineering for Mass Housing Projects | S-2023 |
4 | Project Management | S-2023 |
5 | Construction Engineering for Mass Housing Projects | S-2024 |
Research/Design Projects in Areas of Expertise
- Measuring project development efficiency
- Variation in Estimation of Project Cost
- Critical Success Factors for Tall Building Construction
Research Articles and Book Chapters in Areas of Expertise
- Dagli, K., Mohammad, R., & Pandit, D. (2016). Overview of U-girder System for Elevated viaduct of Kochi Metro Rail. In National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering , SVNIT, Surat.
- Patel, V., Kamani, A., & Pandit, D. (2016, June). Extradoesed Bridge Span Construction?: Case Study of 3rd Narmada Bridge, Bharuch. Master Builder.
- Athawale, A., & Pandit, D. (2015). Scope of Development in The Area of Construction Site Space Planning and Management. In National Conference on Emerging Trends in Core Disciplines of Engineering. Vadodara: Vadodara Institute of Technology.
- Dubey, A., Chakrabarty, M., & Pandit, D. (2015). Landfill mining as a remediation technique for open dumpsites in India. In 5th IconSWM 2015, IISc Bangalore.
- Jacob, R., & Pandit, D. (2015). Learning Curve theory and its applicability to hydraulically operated automatic climbing formwork. In International Civil Engineering Symposium (ICES’ 15) @ VIT Vellore. Vellor.
- Munshi, A., & Pandit, D. (2015). Equipment Cost Management. Master Builder.
- Munshi, A., & Pandit, D. (2015). Factors Affecting Cost of Construction Equipment. In Vadodara Institute of Technology (Ed.), National Conference on Emerging Trends in Core Disciplines of Engineering. Vadodara: Vadodara Institute of Technology.
- Munshi, A., & Pandit, D. (2015, April). Ethics and Ethos in Construction Consultancy. Master Builder.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2015). Contractor Selection: A Key to Project Success. Master Builder.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2015). Factors Affecting Efficient Design Development in Indian Context. Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management, 5(2), 54–67.
- Patel, S., & Pandit, D. (2015). Risk Assessment in Real Estate Project in India. In National Conference on Emerging Trends in Core Disciplines of Engineering. Vadodara: Vadodara Institute of Technology.
- Sorathia, F., & Pandit, D. (2015). Impact of Climatic Conditions on Life Cycle Costs of Flexible Pavements: Case study of Gujarat, India. In National Conference on Emerging Trends in Core Disciplines of Engineering. Vadodara: Vadodara Institute of Technology.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2014). Project Control Factors at Front End: Indian Perspective. American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2(2), 77–82. http://doi.org/10.12691/ajcea-2-2-4
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2014). Study of Time and Cost Performance of Indian Construction Projects. In All India Seminar on Emerging Trends in Contract Mangament and Arbitration (pp. 102–107). Kochi, India: Indian Institute of Technical Arbitrators.
- Pandit, D. (2013). Repairs and Retrofitting of Public Schools by Community: Case of Gujarat Earthquake. In Project Management Institution (Ed.), PMI Global Congress 2013. New Orleans: Project Management Institution.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2013). Performance Indicators for Measuring Performance of Construction. In Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Development (SID) 8th-9th February 2013, IIT Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India SID (pp. 300–308). Bhubaneswar: IIT, Bhubaneswar.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2013). Efficient Bid Process Management For Project Success. NICMAR-Journal of Construction Management, XXWil(3), 25–32.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2013). Effective Project Controls at Project Development Stage. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2(7), 137–139.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2013). Need for Better Consultant Selection. Master Builder, 1(September), 58–60.
- Pandit, D., & Yadav, S. M. (2012). Consultant Selection?: Far from Ideal. In All India Seminar on Emerging Trends in Contract Mnagamenet and Dispute Resolution (pp. 54–60). Chennai: Indian Institute of Technical Arbitrators.
- Damnjanovic, I., Anderson, S., Wimsatt, A., Reinschmidt, K. F., & Pandit, D. (2010). Assessment of Strategies and Methods to Reduce Construction Costs while Maintaining Quality. Transportation Research Digest, (March).
- Damnjanovic, I., Anderson, S., Wimsatt, A., Kenneth, F., & Pandit, D. (2009). Evaluation of Ways and Procedures to Reduce Construction Cost and Increase Competition (Vol. 7).
- Pandit, D., Damnjanovic, I., Anderson, S., & Nejat, A. (2009). Assessment of Strategies and Methods to Reduce Construction Costs while Maintaining Quality. In 1st International Conference on Transportation Construction Management (pp. 1–10).
- Nagesh, M., & Pandit, D. (2004). Study of Construction Safety and Workers Conditions in Ahmedabad. NICMAR-Journal of Construction Management.
- Nagesh, M., & Pandit, D. (2004). Assessing School Building Vulnerability in Ahmedabad. NICMAR-Journal of Construction Management.
- Singh, G., & Pandit, D. (2003). Quality assurance of Concrete pavements-a case study of Mumbai-Pune expressway. In National seminar on ‘Concrete Pavements-Problems & Promises. Ahmedabad: CEPT University.
- Pandit, D. (1998). Management of Construction quality for clients. In National seminar on “Role of General management in Indian Construction sector.” Ahmedabad: Centre for Environmental Planning & Technology.
- Pandit, D., Yadav, S. M., & Shah, N. C. (1993). Economics of space planning. In Urbanisation and its impact on land cost and housing. Surat: Institution of Engineers (India) South Gujarat Local Chapter.
- Pandit, D., Yadav, S. ., & Shah, N. C. (1992). Conservation of Protected monuments of Champaner. In All India Seminar on “Conservation of Built Environment.” Surat: Institution of Engineers (India) South Gujarat Local Chapter.
- Yadav, S. M., & Pandit, D. (1991). Economic Construction Techniques. In VIIth National Convention of Architects and Engineers. New Delhi.
Presented Papers and Invited Lectures in Areas of Expertise
Delivered several invited lectures as :
- On concrete durability, quality and management for Sanghi Cements at (Mehsana, Jamnagar, Bharuch, Navsari, Himmatnagar, Gandhinagar, Junagadh).
- On Precast segmental construction for Ambuja Foundations.
- On concrete durability and quality for Siddhee Cements (Bhavnagar).
- On advanced construction technology at Alpha College of Engineering.
- On various subjects for Pacifica Group engineers and architects (total six).
- On Project Development Practices for Gujarat Housing Board.
- On Building services, project success, cracks, concrete construction, good construction practices for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Gandhinagar, Vapi, Junagadh, Surat).
- On Infrastructure Damage Assessment for GIDM, and Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad.
- Delivered expert talk on “Project Development Concepts” at MNIT Jaipur in training program for newly recruited engineers of PWD . (July, 2013)
- Presented paper at PMI Global Congress 2013 at New Orleans, USA on Strategic Management of Post-earthquake rehabilitation work. (Nov 2013)
- Delivered several lectures at AICTE funded two week long faculty development program on “Project Management” at CEPT University (Nov-Dec 2013)
- Delivered expert lecture on “Project Development Concepts” under National Institute of Technical Teachers Training. (Jan 2014)
- Delivered expert lecture on “Project Success Attributes”, organized by Sanghi Cements at Bharuch.
- Delivered invited lecture at Seminar on Contracts Management on topic “Contractor selection, a key to project success”, at PDPU, Gandhinagar. (February 2015)
- Delivered invited lecture in workshop on “Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Project Management” under TEQUIP-2 at SVNIT. (October 2015)
Professional Honors, Prizes, Fellowships, Grant-in Aids
- Best paper prize for "Learning Curve theory and its applicability to hydraulically operated automatic climbing formwork". In International Civil Engineering Symposium (ICES’ 15) @ VIT Vellore. Vellor.