
Dhara Shah
Sr.Assistant ProfessorDhara Shah is Assistant Professor, Master's Program in Structural Design at Faculty of Technology since 2006. Prior to CEPT she worked as a structural engineer for two years in a consultancy firm. She graduated in Civil Engineering from Nirma University and did her M.Tech in Structural Design from CEPT University. She received her Doctorate in Civil Engineering (Marine structures) from Gujarat Technological University in 2016. About 55 research theses have been accomplished under her guidance. Her major area of research includes performance based seismic design of structures and vibration impact assessment of heritage structures. She has published research articles in national and international journals. She has also presented research papers at national and international conferences. At CEPT, she takes studios and subjects related to design of steel structures, marine structures, earthquake engineering, structural analysis and nonlinear analysis of structures. Apart from academic activities, she has been involved in various projects related to structural design and vibration impact assessment under the CRDC, at CEPT University.
Degree | Institution | Field | Year of Completion |
B.E. | Nirma University | Civil Engineering | 2001 |
M.Tech | CEPT University | Structural Design | 2007 |
PhD. | Gujarat Technological University | Civil Engineering (Marine structures) | 2016 |
Areas of Expertise
Steel structures ~RCC structures~Marine structures~Performance based design of structures~Non linear analysis of structures ~Vibration impact assessment of structures~Seismic fragility analysis of structures~Earthquake Engineering & Seismology ~Strength of Materials, Soli Mechanics~Structural Analysis
Courses Taught
Sr No. | Course Name | Semester |
1 | Steel Structures: Design and Construction | M-2024 |
Research/Design Projects in Areas of Expertise
- Heritage Impact and Vibration Impact Assessment of Shahi Mosque / Achut Bibi Mosque due to slum rehabilitation project at Dariyapur, Ahmedabad (2022-23)
- Heritage Impact and Vibration Impact Assessment of Dariyakhan Ghummat due to proposed Housing project at Devjipura and Rabarivas, Dariyapur, Ahmedabad (2021-22)
- Heritage Impact and Vibration Impact Assessment of Ahmed Shah mosque for new construction of Akhandanand Ayurvedic Hospital for Executive Engineer, Project implementation Unit -02, Ahmedabad (2021-22)
- Heritage Impact Assessment Report and Vibration Impact Assessment of Jhulta Minar and Brick Minar near Kalupur Railway Station at Ahmedabad, for National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) (2020-21)
- Heritage Impact and Vibration Impact Assessment of proposed constrction at Danapith Fire Station near JamiMasjid, Ahmedabad for AMC (2019-20)
- Heritage Impact and Vibration Impact Assessment of Metrolink Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad - MEGA (2017-18)
- Proof Checking of Design Basis Report (DBR) for IPR – ITER Building (Institute for Plasma Research) at Bhat, Gandhinagar (2009 to 2013)
- Proof Checking of Design of proposed Auxiliary and laboratory building at IPR Campus (Institute for Plasma Research) at Bhat, Gandhinagar (2012)
- Proof Checking of Design of proposed Additional office building at IPR Campus (Institute for Plasma Research) at Bhat, Gandhinagar (2011)
- Proof Checking of Structural Design of LIVER & BILIARY Science Institute (Phase –II) at Vasant Kunj, New Delhi (Gautam Shah & Associates) (2010)
- Proof checking of structural design of IFCI building at Ahmedabad (2010)
- Opinion for the structural stability of high rise residential building “Swim Palace” at village Althan-south, Surat (2010)
- Proof checking of structural design and detailing of a steel canopy for NHAI (2007).
- Shuttering Design for Emergency O.H Water tank at Ranchi
- Design of gantry girders, having 20T - 100T capacity at Transformer & Rectifier India Ltd., Ahmedabad
- Design of Chemical Factories (Industrial Buildings) at A’bad
- Design of gantry girders having 5T, 10T, 15T and 30T capacity at Inductotherm India Ltd., Ahmedabad
- Design of Swaminarayan Higher Secondary School at Sarangpur, Gujarat
- Design of RCC load bearing and frame structures and bungalows
Research Articles and Book Chapters in Areas of Expertise
- Shah, D. and Shah, J. (2016). Comparative study of fire resistant design of steel structures. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.
Book Chapter in Springer
- Shah, D et. al. (March 2020). Comparative Study of Backfill Retaining Systems for Onshore RCC Pile Berth Under Different Site Conditions, Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics pp 25-39 ; ?https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-0890-5_3
- Shah, D. and Shah, J. (August 2018) Comparative Study of Fire-Resistant Design of Steel Structures as per IS800:2007, AS4100:1998, AISC360:2010 and EN1993-1-2, Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 1 pp 289 - 301 ; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-0362-3_23
Research articles in journals
- Shah D. (2024). Comprehensive Analysis of Modifications in the Draft Code IS1893 (WC) 2023 for RC Buildings in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 11 Issue: 05 | May 2024
- Rathod, D and Shah, D. (2022). Comparison of Seismic Resistance of Moment Resisting RC Building using Shear wall and Bracing. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 09 Issue: 09
- Mistry, V and Shah, D. (2022). Typified design of modified compound fink truss based on IS 800:2007 and IS 875(part 3):2015. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), e-ISSN: 2395-0056, Volume: 09 Issue: 06
- Patel , P and Shah, D. (2021). Comparative Study of Brick Infill Wall and Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks Using Response Spectrum Analysis. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) , Vol. 08, Issue 5, pp. 3440-3445.
- Shah, D. (2020). Seismic fragility analysis of pile supported wharf for some important port sites in Gujarat. Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 111-123.
- Shah, D. (2018). Comparison of seismic fragility curves for RC framed buildings in zone III and V; for hard, medium and soft soil as per IS1893 part-1: 2002 and HAZUS MH 2.0. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 07, Issue 06, pp. 16-27
- Shah, D. and Srivastav. A. (2018). Critical analysis of building with vertical irregularities as per IS1893 part -1:2002. International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD).
- Shah, D. and Shah. B.J. (2016). Seismic fragility analysis of pile supported wharf using linear time history analysis. Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 2, August- September, pp. 235-246.
- Shah, D. and Shah. B.J. (2016). Seismic Fragility Analysis of Pile Supported Wharf Using Capacity Spectrum Method. International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering (IJEIE), Inderscience.
- Shah, D. and Jani, H. (2016). Comparative study of steel I - girder and prestressed steel I– girder as per IRC24:2010. International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology, IJRET.
- Shah, D. and Makadia, N. (2016). Analytical study of physical behaviour of UC and UB sections in comparison with the Indian standard steel sections. International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development, IJCSEIERD.
- Shah. D. and Shah. V. (2016). Comparative study of optimum fender system on pile supported wharf as per Indian Standard IS4651 part-3:1974 and British Standard BS6349 part - 4:1994. International Journal of Marine Science and Ocean Technology, IJMO.
- Shah. D. and Shah. V. (2016). Comparative study of berthing energy on pile supported wharf as per Indian standard IS4651 part-3:1974 and British standard BS6349 part-4:1994. International journal of maritime technology, IJMT.
- Shah. D. and Shah. B.J. (2015). Comparative study of seismic fragility curves for a pile supported wharf using capacity spectrum method and time history analysis. International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Hazard Mitigation (IREHM), Vol. 3, No. 3
- Contributed 4 articles in Structural Engineering Digest SED ( E-magazine by IAStructE-Indian Association of Structural Engineering) in 2010-11
- Recycled and secondary aggregates in concrete
- Applying walking and running forces
- CHP: A guide for structural engineers
- Palais Royale – a trend setter in Mumbai
Presented Papers and Invited Lectures in Areas of Expertise
- Shah, D. (2024). Advancing Structural Resilience: A Focus on Seismic Fragility Analysis, National symposium on Natural Hazards & Build Better for Risk Mitigation and Advances in Earthquake Science -2024, CBRI Roorkee, India, March 2024
- Shah, D., Joshi, K. (2022). Comparison of Shear wall and Outrigger Lateral Load Resisting System in High Rise Buildings for varying heights. National Conference on Resilient Infrastructure NCRI 2022, Kerala Highway Research Institute and IIT palakkad, Kerala, India
- Shah, K., Desai, H. and Shah, D. (2020). Effect of Backstay on 3B+G+20 Storey RC Building. National Conference on Structural Engineering NCRASE 2020, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India.
- Dhavala, S., Shah, D. and Kapasi, J. (2019). Comparative study of backfill retaining systems for onshore RCC pile berth under different site conditions. IACMAG_Symposium2019, IIT Gandhinagar, India.
- Chowdhury, A., Shah, D. and Kapasi, J. (2018). Comparative study of structural systems for deep water RCC pile berth with respect to various oceanographic and vessel parameters. Structural Engineering Convention 2018 (SEC 2018), Jadavpur University, India.
- Dalal, R., Shah, D. and Vasanwala, S. (2017). An analytical study on behavior of transfer girders in RC buildings. 33rd National Convention of Civil Engineers (NCCE-2017) & National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Ahmedabad, India.
- Upadhyay, J., Shah, D. and Kapasi, J. (2017). Comparison of different structural systems for RC pile berth under different geographic conditions. 33rd National Convention of Civil Engineers (NCCE-2017) & National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Ahmedabad, India.
- Shah, D. and Shah, J. (2016). Comparative study of fire resistant design of steel structures as per IS800:2007, AS4100:1998, AISC360:2010 and EN1993-1-2. 10th Biennial conference on Structural Engineering Convention – SEC2016, CSIR-SERC, Chennai, INDIA.
- Shah, D. and Patel, T. (2016). Comparative study of fatigue design of steel structures as per IS800:2007, EN1993-1-9:2005, AS4100:1998 and AISC360:2010. 10th Biennial conference on Structural Engineering Convention – SEC2016, CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India.
- Shah, D. and Shah, C. B. (2015). Effect of different curing procedures on some engineering properties of concrete. ICCET, Istanbul.
- Shah, D. and Shah, C. B. (2015). Effect of high volume processed fly ash on some engineering properties of concrete. ICCET, Istanbul.
- Shah, D. and Shah, B.J. (2014). Seismic fragility analysis of pile supported wharf: state of art. 9h Biennial conference on Structural Engineering Convention – SEC2014, Indian Institute of Technology - IIT, Delhi, India.
- Shah, D. and Shah, B.J. (2012). Performance based seismic design of port structures: state of art. 8th Biennial conference on Structural Engineering Convention – SEC2012, pp. 109 -114, S.V. National Institute of Technology - SVNIT, Surat, India.
- Shah, D. and Patel, B. (2010). Formulation of response reduction factor for RCC staging of ESR using static Pushover Analysis. International conference WCE 2010, London, U.K.
- Shah, D. (2010). Performance based retrofit using static pushover analysis. IMMM – 2010. Trivendrum, Kerala.
Professional Honors, Prizes, Fellowships, Grant-in Aids
- Gold Medal from Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers and Architects for overall performance at M.Tech. in Structural Design, 2003