
Ganesh Devkar
Sr.Associate ProfessorInstitutional Roles: Head - Student Service Office
Dr. Ganesh Devkar received Doctorate in Construction Management from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras), M.E. in Civil Engineering with specialization in Construction Engineering and Management from Sardar Patel University and B.E. in Civil Engineering from Dr. B. A. Marathwada University. His doctoral thesis focuses on identifying the competencies necessary for effective implementing Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in urban service delivery and developing a framework that allows urban local bodies to assess their capability to successfully deliver projects through PPPs.
Degree | Institution | Field | Year of Completion |
Ph.D. | Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai | Construction Management | 2012 |
M.E | B. V. M. Engg. College | Construction Engineering and Management | 2002 |
B.E | J. N. E. College | Civil Engineering | 2000 |
Areas of Expertise
- Construction project management
- Public private partnerships
Courses Taught
Sr No. | Course Name | Semester |
1 | Advanced Engineering Research Seminar | S-2023 |
2 | Construction Project Execution Monitoring and Control | S-2023 |
3 | DRP | S-2023 |
4 | DRP | S-2023 |
5 | DRP | S-2023 |
6 | Lean Construction - Concepts, Tools and Practices | S-2023 |
7 | Construction Project Formulation and Appraisal | M-2022 |
8 | DRP | M-2022 |
9 | DRP | M-2022 |
10 | DRP | M-2022 |
Research/Design Projects in Areas of Expertise
- Case writing on "Procurement Management of PPP Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) Facility at Taloja, Maharashtra" for Project Managment Institute, From May 2015 to till date. Collaborators: Dr. Boeing Singh (IIT Guwahati)
- Systematic Review on "Regulatory and road engineering interventions for preventing road traffic injuries and fatalities among vulnerable (non-motorised and motorised two-wheel) road users in low- and middle-income countries" for Department for International Development and Cochrane; From April 2014 to till date. Collaborators: Manisha Gupta (Road Safety and Non-motorised Transport Consultant), Geetha R Menon (Division of Non-Communicable Diseases, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi), Hilary Thomson (MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow)
- Systematic Review on “What is the evidence on what makes an effective urban planning framework in low-income or informal settlements?” funded by Department for International Development, Government of United Kingdom; From April 2014 to till date. Collaborators: Dr. Thillai Rajan (IIT Chennai)
- Systematic Review on “To what extent has the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sub-sectors taken into account principles of equity, inclusion and the life-cycle approach (EILCA) in the design, implementation, maintenance and use of programmes during the Millennium Development Goal period (2000-2015)?” funded by Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC); From January 2016 to till date. Collaborators: Prof. Thillai Rajan (IIT Chennai), Prof. Ashwin Mahalingam (IIT Chennai) and Prof. Venkata Santosh (IIT Bombay)
Research Articles and Book Chapters in Areas of Expertise
PUBLICATIONS – International Journal Papers
- Mahalingam A.; Devkar A. G. and Kalindindi S. N. (2011) “A Comparative Analysis of Public Private Partnership Nodal Agencies in India: What work’s and What doesn’t”, Journal of Public Works Management and Policy, Vol. 16, No. 4, 341-372.
- Devkar, G.A. and Kalidindi S.N. (2013) “Modeling and Assessment of Competencies in Urban Local Bodies for Implementing PPP projects”. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Vol. 3, No. 1. 42-57.
- Devkar, G.A. and Kalidindi S.N. (2013) “External Agencies for Supplementing Competencies in Indian Urban PPP Projects”. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, 58-73.
- Devkar, G.A., Mahalingam A. and Kalidindi S.N. (2013) “Competencies and Urban Public Private Partnership Projects in India: A Case Study Analysis”. Policy and Society, Vol. 32, No. 2, 125-142.
- Devkar, G.A. and Kalidindi S.N. (2013) “Competency Development in Urban Local Bodies for Implementing Public Private Partnership Projects in India”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, 35-48.
- Devkar, G. A., Mahalingam, A., Deep, A., and Thillairajan, A. (2013) “Impact of Private Sector Participation on access and quality in provision of electricity, telecom and water services in developing countries: A systematic review”. Utilities Policy, Vol.27, 65-81.
- Devkar, G. , Rajan, A. , Narayanan, S. and Elayaraja, M. S. (2018) "Provision of Basic Services in Slums: A review of the evidence on top-down and bottom-up approaches". Development Policy Review, Vol. 37, 331-347.
- Ayyangar, A., Narayanan, S., Devaraj, R., Kumar, V.S., Devkar, G., Annamalai, T.R. (2019) "Target segmentation in WASH policies, programmes and projects: a systematic review". Journal of Development Effectiveness, Vol. 11, 43-67.
PUBLICATIONS – International Conference Papers
- Devkar A. G and Iyer D. B. (2004) : “Strategic Planning For Indian Construction Industry in Global Construction Markets”, International Conference on Construction Opportunities & Strategies For Action with Focus on Asia – Pacific, Middle East and African Regions, September 2004, New Delhi, India.
- Kalidindi, S. N., Mahalingam, A. and Devkar A. G. (2007) “Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership Procurement in Urban Local Bodies”, World Congress on Urban Infrastructure in Developing Countries, November 2007, New Delhi, India.
- Devkar A. G., Mahalingam, A. and. Kalidindi, S. N (2009) “Analyzing the Institutional Framework for Urban Public Private Partnerships in Indian States”, Construction Research Congress, April 2009, Seattle, USA.
- Devkar A. G., Mahalingam, A. and. Kalidindi, S. N (2009) “Strategies for Development of Competencies for Implementation of Urban Public Private Partnership Projects in India”, Second International Conference on Infrastructure Systems and Services: Developing 21st Century Infrastructure Networks, December 2009, Chennai, India.
- Devkar A. G. and. Kalidindi, S. N (2011) “External Agencies for Supplementing Competencies in Indian Urban PPP Projects: A Perception Analysis”, Joint CIB W070, W092 & TG72 International Conference: Delivering Value to the Community, December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Devkar A. G. and. Kalidindi, S. N (2013) “Adoption of PPP model for Delivery of Urban Services: A Perception Analysis”, International Conference on PPP Body of Knowledge (P3BooK), March 2013, Preston, UK.
- Devkar A. G. and. Singh, B. L (2015) “Gearing Up for Project Management Challenges in Indian PPP Projects”, Project Management Research & Academic Conference 2015, February 2015, NITIE, Mumbai
- Dudhia A. and Devkar A. G. (2016) "Investigating the Maintenance Management Practices for Urban Roads in India", CIB World Building Congress 2016, May 2016, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
- Devkar A. G., Shankar S. and Yongjian K. (2017) “Evaluation of PPP transportation projects in Australia and India: An Information Asymmetry Perspective”, Project Management Research & Academic Conference 2017, March 2017, IIT Delhi, Delhi.
- Delhi V., and Devkar A. G. (2017) “Enablers and Inhibitors of Lean Construction in Indian Construction Projects”, Indian Lean Construction Conference 2017, August 2017, IIT Madras,Chennai.
- Mevada J., and Devkar A. G. (2017) “Analysis of reasons for cost and time overrun in Indian megaprojects”, International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials & Civil Engineering Systems 2017, Jaunary 2017, University of Sharjah, UAE.
- Mevada J., and Devkar A. G. (2018) “Analyzing complexities and uncertainties in Indian megaprojects”, 7th World Construction Symposium 2018: Built Asset Sustainability: Rethinking Design, Construction and Operations, 29 June - 01 July 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Devkar, G., Trivedi, J., and Pandit, D. (2018) “Teaching Choosing by Advantages: Learnings & Challenges.” 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 2018, Chennai, India.
- Mahajan, N. and Devkar A. G. (2019) "Information Asymmetry in Indian Healthcare PPP projects", CIB World Building Congress 2019, June 2019, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Devkar, G., Trivedi, J., & Pandit, D. (2019) "Teaching Target Value Design: A Simulation." 27th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), July 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Shankar S., Yongjian K., Mangioni V., & Devkar G. (2019) “Responsible Leadership of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Adopted In Infrastructure Projects”, Project Management Research & Academic Conference 2019, March 2019, IIM Kozhikode, Kozhikode.
PUBLICATIONS – National Journal Papers
- Iyer D. B and Devkar A. G (2005) “Mutual Recognition Agreements and International Mobility of Engineers - Under GATS (Services) Agreement”, NICMAR Journal of Construction Management, Vol. 20, No. 3, 23-31.
- Devkar A. G. and Kalidindi, S. N (2012) “Development of Competency Framework for Implementation of Urban Public Private Partnership Projects”, Urban India. Vol. 32, No. 1, 112-131.
- Devkar A. G. (2014) “Analysis of PPP Reform in Municipal Solid Waste Management Sector In India”, NICMAR Journal of Construction Management, Vol. 29, No. 1, 23-34.
PUBLICATIONS – Teaching Cases
- Mahalingam, A., Devkar G. and Kalidindi, S. N. (2009) Creating the Alandur Sewerage System: Project Structuring and Risk Management, Institute of Water Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
- Mahalingam, A., Devkar G. and Kalidindi, S. N. (2009) Long Term Governance Challenges in PPPs: The Case of the Tirupur Water Supply Project, Institute of Water Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
- Devkar G. and Raghuram, G. (2014) GMR Male International Airport Project – Case A, Center for Infrastructure Policy and Regulation, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
- Singh L. and Devkar, G. (2017) Case Study on Pre-qualification and Risk Allocation Process for Procurement of PPP Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) Facility at Taloja, Project Management Institute, India.
PUBLICATIONS – Books Chapter
- Laishram, B. and Devkar G. (2015) Public Private Partnership Infrastructure Development in India. In book: Public Private Partnerships : A Global Review, Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Editors: Akintola Akintoye, Matthias Beck, Mohan Kumaraswamy, pp.132-152.
- Patil, N., Laishram, B. and Devkar G. (2017) Infrastructure Development through PPPs: Framework of Guiding Principles for Sustainability Assessment. In book: The Emerald Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships in Developing and Emerging Economies: Perspectives on Public Policy, Entrepreneurship and Poverty, Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited, Editors: João Leitão, Elsa Morais Sarmento, João Aleluia , pp.385-406.
- Vaidyanathan, K., Varghese, K. and Devkar G. (2020) Cloud-based collaboration and project management. In book: Construction 4.0: An Innovation Platform for the Built Environment, Publisher: Routledge, Editors: Anil Sawhney , Michael Riley, Javier Irizarry.
Presented Papers and Invited Lectures in Areas of Expertise
Presented Papers
- Devkar A. G and Iyer D. B. (2004) : “Strategic Planning For Indian Construction Industry in Global Construction Markets”, International Conference on Construction Opportunities & Strategies For Action with Focus on Asia – Pacific, Middle East and African Regions, September 2004, New Delhi, India.
- Kalidindi, S. N., Mahalingam, A. and Devkar A. G. (2007) “Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership Procurement in Urban Local Bodies”, World Congress on Urban Infrastructure in Developing Countries, November 2007, New Delhi, India.
- Devkar A. G., Mahalingam, A. and. Kalidindi, S. N (2009) “Strategies for Development of Competencies for Implementation of Urban Public Private Partnership Projects in India”, Second International Conference on Infrastructure Systems and Services: Developing 21st Century Infrastructure Networks, December 2009, Chennai, India.
- Devkar A. G. and. Singh, B. L (2015) “Gearing Up for Project Management Challenges in Indian PPP Projects”, Project Management Research & Academic Conference 2015, February 2015, NITIE, Mumbai.
- Mahajan, N. and Devkar A. G. (2019) "Information Asymmetry in Indian Healthcare PPP projects", CIB World Building Congress 2019, June 2019, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Invited Lectures
- Devkar, G. A., “Public Private Partnership for Infrastructure Development - Challenges and Opportunities” Faculty Development Program in Project Management, Center for Environmental Planning and Technology, Ahmedabad, December 2, 2013.
- Devkar, G. A., “Public Private Partnership - Risk Management and Governance” Faculty Development Program in Project Management, Center for Environmental Planning and Technology, Ahmedabad, December 6, 2013.
- Devkar, G. A., "PPP in Solid Waste Management - Institutional and Governance Challenges" Symposium on Management and Procurement of Integrated Waste Management System at IIT Guwahati on February 7, 2015
- Devkar, G. A., “Public Private Partnership for Infrastructure Development” Short Term Training Program in Construction Project Management, BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidya Nagar, June 14, 2016.
Professional Honors, Prizes, Fellowships, Grant-in Aids
Professional Honors
- Emerald Literati Network Award of Excellence 2014 in the “Highly Commended Paper” category for his journal article “Modeling and assessment of competencies in urban local bodies for implementing PPP projects” co-authored with Prof. K. N. Satyanarayana, IIT Madras.
- Young Research Scholar Award 2015, Project Management Institute
- Research grant from Project Management Institute for case writing on "Procurement Management of PPP Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) Facility at Taloja, Maharashtra"
- Research grant from Department for International Development (DFID) for a systematic review on "“What is the evidence on what makes an effective urban planning framework in low-income or informal settlements?”
- Research grant from Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) for a systematic review on "“To what extent has the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sub-sectors taken into account principles of equity, inclusion and the life-cycle approach (EILCA) in the design, implementation, maintenance and use of programmes during the Millennium Development Goal period (2000-2015)?”
- Research grant from Department for International Development (DFID) for an evidence summary on "“Interventions for improving civic infrastructure and amenities”