
Naandi Parikh

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Institutional Roles: Program Chair- Bachelor of Interior Design Bachelor of Design & BPS


Degree Institution Field Year of Completion
Bachelors APIED Interior Design 2004
Graduate Diploma UTS Sydney Interior Design 2006
Master of Interior Design University of Hertforshire Interior Design 2019

Areas of Expertise

Retail Design / Furniture Design, Visual Merchandising, Design Thinking

Courses Taught

Sr No. Course Name Semester
1 Beyond Detail M-2024
2 Beyond Detail M-2024
3 BID-Exchange Studio M-2024
4 BID-Exchange Studio M-2024
5 Professional Training M-2024
6 Professional Training M-2024
7 Beyond Detail S-2024
8 Beyond Detail S-2024
9 BID-Exchange Studio S-2024
10 BID-Exchange Studio S-2024
11 Professional Training S-2024
12 Professional Training S-2024

Research/Design Projects in Areas of Expertise

  • Parikh, N. (2022). Visual Merchandising – a tool to develop a brand  and complete the store design. An enquiry into an  apparel store. IJSER, 13(3). https://www.ijser.org/journal-volume13-issue3-March-2022-edition-p2.aspx