
Rashmin Damle
Sr.Assistant ProfessorInstitutional Roles: Program Chair- Master of Technology in Building Energy Performance
Degree | Institution | Field | Year of Completion |
Ph.D. | UPC Barcelona | Thermal Engineering | 2009 |
M.S. | UPC Barcelona | Numerical Heat Transfer | 2005 |
M-Tech. | IIT Bombay | Thermal and Fluids Engineering | 2002 |
B.E. | Mumbai University | Mechanical Engineering | 1999 |
Areas of Expertise
Heat transfer~Cryogenics~Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Courses Taught
Sr No. | Course Name | Semester |
1 | DRP | M-2022 |
2 | DRP | M-2022 |
3 | Passive Comfort Lab | M-2022 |
4 | Start Programming in C++ | M-2022 |
5 | Building Materials and Methods for Energy Efficiency | S-2022 |
6 | DRP | S-2022 |
7 | DRP | S-2022 |
8 | HVAC Lab | S-2022 |
Research/Design Projects in Areas of Expertise
- Transient simulation of a miniature Joule-Thomson (J-T) cryocooler: A transient numerical model was developed at IIT Bombay for SSPL laboratory of DRDO, New Delhi. The model allows to predict the cool-down time of a miniature J-T cryocooler for cooling infrared sensors to around 80 K. The numerical model was validated with the available data in the literature.
- Thermal Simulation of the thermal storage tanks: The project involved implementing models for heat transfer in tank shell, salt, ullage and the foundation. Elements like tank shell, salt and ullage were modelled with global models and were coupled to 3D heat conduction model for the foundation.
- Software development for the thermal simulation of buildings: The software allows simulation of a building as a thermal system made up of elements like rooms, windows, channels, ground, outdoor, walls, composite walls, etc. taking into account zonal airflows, infiltration, solar radiation, and weather conditions depending on the global location. Transient simulations can be run to estimate the heating and cooling loads and parametric studies can be made.
- Simulation of heat, air and moisture (HAM) transfer in buildings: Modelling of heat, air and moisture transfer in building walls/rooms to see the moisture buffering capacities of different materials used for building wall construction.
- Simulation of the nacelle of a wind turbine: Transient thermal simulation of the nacelle of a wind turbine with varying outdoor/indoor conditions for Ecotecnia, Spain.
Research Articles and Book Chapters in Areas of Expertise
- U. Mathur and R.M.Damle, “Impact of air infiltration rate on the thermal transmittance value of building envelope” Journal of Building Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102302, 2021.
- G. Papakokkinos, J. Castro, R. Capdevila, R. M. Damle, “A comprehensive simulation tool for adsorption-based solar-cooled buildings – Control strategy based on variable cycle duration” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 231, pp.110591, 2021.
- P.Mundhe and R.M.Damle, A Methodology for Quantifying Flow Patterns in a Water-Table Apparatus for Naturally Ventilated Buildings, Architectural Science Review, 2020 DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2020.1733482.
- R.M. Damle, S.M. Mehta, K.P. Desai, A.B. Naik, Performance Optimization of Coiled Finned Tube Heat Exchanger for Medium Size Helium Liquefier, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, Vol 44, pp. 129, 2019.
- R. M. Damle, P. M. Ardhapurkar and M. D. Atrey. “Numerical investigation of the transient behavior of the recuperative heat exchanger in a MRJT cryocooler with different condensation correlations”, Cryogenics, Vol. 80, pp. 52-62, 2016.
- R. M. Damle and M. D. Atrey, “Transient simulation of a miniature Joule–Thomson (J–T) cryocooler with and without the distributed J–T effect”, Cryogenics, Vol. 65, pp. 49-58, 2015.
- R. M. Damle and M. D. Atrey, “The cool-down behaviour of miniature Joule-Thomson (J–T) cryocooler with distributed J-T effect and finite reservoir capacity”, Cryogenics, Vol. 71, pp. 47-54, 2015.
- R. M. Damle, P. M. Ardhapurkar and M. D. Atrey. “Numerical analysis of the two-phase heat transfer in the recuperative heat exchanger of a mixed refrigerant Joule–Thomson cryocooler”, Cryogenics, Vol. 72, pp. 103-110, 2015.
- R. M. Damle and A.W. Date, “Heat and Mass Transfer in a Clay-Pot Refrigerator: Analysis revisited, accepted for Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, pp. 11-25, 2015.
- R. Damle, J. Rigola, C. D. Pérez-Segarra, J. Castro and A. Oliva, “Object Oriented simulation of reciprocating compressors: Numerical verification and experimental comparison”, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 34 (8), pp. 1989-1998, 2011.
Presented Papers and Invited Lectures in Areas of Expertise
- A. Debnath, R.M.Damle, Estimating air leakage for star rated hotels in Ahmedabad using blower door method, Paper Proceedings of Energise 2020 conference (AEEE), Hyderabad, India
- B. Patel, R.M.Damle, M. Dixit, Technical potential of integrating evaporative cooling system with mechanical cooling system in Hot & Dry climate for day use office building in India, Paper Proceedings of Energise 2020 conference (AEEE), Hyderabad, India
- R.M.Damle and R.Rawal, Hygrothermal performance of a building across different climates of India, Building Simulation (BS), the 16th IBPSA international conference 2019, Rome, Italy.
- P. Mundhe, R.M. Damle, P. Vaidya, M. Apte, Quantification of airflow pattern in a naturally ventilated building simulated in a water table apparatus, Proceedings of PLEA 2018, Hong Kong.
- S.M. Mehta, R.M. Damle, K.P. Desai, A.B. Naik, Theoretical and experimental study of coiled finned tube heat exchanger for helium liquefaction plant, ICEC-ICMC 2018, September 3-7 Oxford, England.
- K. Dhonde and R.M. Damle, Energy use prediction of buildings with different methods of calculating SHGC of shaded windows, Proceedings of PLEA 2018, Hong Kong.
- G. Priyamwada, R.Rawal, R.M.Damle. Impact of surface modulation on solar heat gain: a performance evaluation of brick cantilevers/overhangs in brickwork. PLEA 2017 Proceedings Volume II, Edinburgh.
- R. M. Damle, P. M. Ardhapurkar and M. D. Atrey. Numerical simulation of a tubes-in-tube heat exchanger in a mixed refrigerant Joule–Thomson cryocooler, ICEC 26 – ICMC2016, New Delhi, India 2016.
- R.M.Damle, M.D.Atrey. Performance analysis of a miniature Joule – Thomson cryocooler with and without the distributed J-T effect. CEC-ICMC, Tucson, Arizona, USA 2015.
- R.M.Damle, M.D.Atrey, Effect of fin density on the transient characteristics of a miniature Joule-Thomson (J-T) cryocooler, National Symposium on Cryogenics (NSC)-25, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 2015.
- R.Damle, O.Lehmkuhl, J.Rigola, A.Oliva, Numerical simulation tools for energy efficiency in buildings. HAM transfer in facades coupled with CFD models for air distribution, 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic, 2013.
- R.Damle, O.Lehmkuhl, J.Rigola, A.Oliva, Combined Heat and Moisture Transfer In Buildings Systems, 1st International High Performance Buildings Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 2012.
- R.Damle, O.Lehmkuhl, I.Rodríguez, A.Oliva, Coupling CFD models of airflow with building simulation with an object-oriented and parallel infrastructure, ISES-Europe Solar Conference, Croatia, 2012.
- R. M. Damle, P. M. Ardhapurkar and M. D. Atrey. Numerical simulation of a tubes-in-tube heat exchanger in a mixed refrigerant Joule–Thomson cryocooler, ICEC 26 – ICMC2016, New Delhi, India 2016.
- R.M.Damle, M.D.Atrey. Performance analysis of a miniature Joule – Thomson cryocooler with and without the distributed J-T effect. CEC-ICMC, Tucson, Arizona, USA 2015.
- R.M.Damle, M.D.Atrey, Effect of fin density on the transient characteristics of a miniature Joule-Thomson (J-T) cryocooler, National Symposium on Cryogenics (NSC)-25, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 2015.
- R.Damle, O.Lehmkuhl, J.Rigola, A.Oliva, Numerical simulation tools for energy efficiency in buildings. HAM transfer in facades coupled with CFD models for air distribution, 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic, 2013.
- R.Damle, O.Lehmkuhl, J.Rigola, A.Oliva, Combined Heat and Moisture Transfer In Buildings Systems, 1st International High Performance Buildings Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 2012.
- R.Damle, O.Lehmkuhl, I.Rodríguez, A.Oliva, Coupling CFD models of airflow with building simulation with an object-oriented and parallel infrastructure, ISES-Europe Solar Conference, Croatia, 2012.
Professional Honors, Prizes, Fellowships, Grant-in Aids
Best paper award at National Symposium on Cryogenics (NSC) 2019 held at IIT Bombay
Part of the guiding team from CEPT University that won the Race-To-Zero Competition (2017).