
Rutul Joshi
Associate ProfessorInstitutional Roles: Head -Doctoral Office and Program Chair- Foundation Sem
Rutul Joshi is an architect-urban planner with a Ph.D. in Transportation Studies (UWE, Bristol, UK) with 20 years of academic and research experience. Rutul chairs the Foundation module of courses for all PG programs in the Faculty of Planning. He leads the PG Foundation Studio. Rutul also heads the Doctoral programs at CEPT University. Rutul’s research and consultancy work focus on Transit-oriented Development (TOD), sustainable mobility, transport equity, and parking policies. Rutul led a multi-year research project on contextualizing transit-oriented development for Indian cities. The key project outcome was the TOD planning handbook, which was used to train about 350 government planners and officials in the program supported by MoHUA, the Government of India. Currently, Rutul is working on issues related to parking policies in Indian cities, TOD principles to retrofit areas around transit in East African cities, and the urban mobility challenges during/after the pandemic. Apart from several academic publications, Rutul occasionally writes about civic and urban development issues in newspapers and the media.
Degree | Institution | Field | Year of Completion |
PhD | Centre for Transport and Society, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, United Kingdom | Transportation Studies | 2015 |
M.A. | University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, United Kingdom | Applied Social Research | 2013 |
M.Plan (URP) | School of Planning, Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT) Ahmedabad | Urban and Regional Planning | 2003 |
Dip.Arch. | School of Architecture, Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT), Ahmedabad | Architecture | 2001 |
Areas of Expertise
Spatial planning, Urban Transportation, Sustainable Mobility, Urban History, Transit oriented development
Courses Taught
Sr No. | Course Name | Semester |
1 | DRP | S-2024 |
2 | History of Urban Planning | S-2024 |
3 | Urban Planning and Regulations | S-2024 |
4 | Texts and the City | S-2024 |
5 | Understanding the City Studio | M-2023 |
6 | Urban Governance | M-2023 |
Research Articles and Book Chapters in Areas of Expertise
Google Scholar profile - https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=QWPMzA4AAAAJ&hl=en
1. Edited Volume (forthcoming): “Towards Transit Oriented Development in Indian Cities”, CEPT University Press.
2. Edited Volume (forthcoming): “Understanding an Indian City: A pedagogy for 21st Century”, CEPT University Press.
3. Book Chapter (August 2022) First Author with Jacob Baby: “Cycling in Indian cities – between everyday cyclists and affluent cyclists”, in Routledge Companion to Cycling Edited by Glen Norcliffe and Luis Vivanco, published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
4. Book Chapter (November 2022): “Street space or Road space? Contested mobility in Ahmedabad” in edited volume ‘Social Life of Streets’ by Sadan Jha and Gauri Bharat for Bloomsbury.
5. Policy guidance document (2021) First Author with Sonal Shah, Pranjali Deshpande, Prasanth Narayanan, Vishnu M.: “Moving Ahead: Urban Mobility Reforms for Post-Covid Resilience in India” published by High Volume Transport Applied Research, UK aid-FCDO and National Institute of Urban Affairs. https://smartnet.niua.org/content/f1699fc8-06fb-4b36-aac9-970d2ab3006f
6. Project Report (2021) First Author with Sonal Shah, Pranjali Deshpande, Prasanth Narayanan, Vishnu M.: “Post-COVID-19 Mobility: Key levers to reform urban transport systems” published by High Volume Transport Applied Research, UK aid/FCDO and National Institute of Urban Affairs, Government of India. https://smartnet.niua.org/content/f86a2bb5-14e8-48f2-a553-c634bd8c2df5
7. Leporello Book (2020) contributing author: ‘A city of no footpaths: Walk at your own risk’ for Ahmedabad Cross Section edited by Curated and Edited by Jigna Desai and Inigo Cornago Bonal, published by CEPT University Press.
8. Planning Handbook (2019) First Author with Prasanth Narayanan, Ananya Ramesh, Anshula Menon: ‘Local Area Plans for Transit: An Illustrated Handbook for Indian cities’ with Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India and CEPT University, Ahmedabad. https://shaktifoundation.in/report/lap-for-transit-illustrated-handbook-for-indian-cities/
9. Monograph (2018) editor with Jigna Desai and Gurmeet Rai: ‘HRIDAY reflections: Critical Reflections on Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana’
10. Book Chapter (2016) First Author with Yogi Joseph and Vivek Chandran: ‘The Structures of Mobility and Challenges of Low-Carbon Transitions in Indian cities’ in Higham, James and Hopkins, Debbie (Ed): “Low carbon mobility transitions” being published by Goodfellow's publishers, New Zealand. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=aGEkDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA119&lpg=PA119&dq#v=onepage&q&f=false
11. Journal article (2015) First Author with Yogi Joseph: Invisible cyclists and disappearing cycling: the policy challenges in India. Transfers – Interdisciplinary journal of mobilities studies. Volume 5(3), Winter 2015, Barghahan Journals. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/transfers/5/3/trans050303.xml
12. Research paper (2014) Second Author with Daniel Oviedo Hernandez: Transport governance of the ‘International best practice’: Parallels between BRT developments in Ahmedabad and Bogotá, presented in the international conference CODATU, Istanbul.
13. Journal article (2014) with Jorge Rogat, Subash Dhar, Darshini Mahadevia and Juan Carlos Mendoza: “Sustainable Transport: BRT experiences from Mexico and India”, WIREs Energy and Environment https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/wene.162
14. Journal article (2013) Second Author with Darshini Mahadevia and Abhijit Datey: Ahmedabad’s BRT System – A sustainable transport panacea? Economic and Political Weekly (EPW). http://www.epw.in/review-urban-affairs/ahmedabads-brt-system.html
Professional Honors, Prizes, Fellowships, Grant-in Aids
- Honorary senior visiting researcher at the Development Planning Unit, University College London in November – December 2013 and May-June, 2014
- Reviewer for the International peer-reviewed journals – Transfers: Interdisciplinary journal of mobility studies (Baraghahn journal) and International Planning studies (Taylor and Francis).
- Recipient of the research fellowships - UKNA (Urban Knowledge Network Asia) and UKIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative) in collaboration with Cardiff University, Cardiff.
- Recipient of UWE (University of the West of England) scholarship for the PhD studies