
Sejal Patel
ProfessorInstitutional Roles: Head - International Office and Program chair- Master of Urban Housing
Sejal Patel is Dean, CSP, Head, CEPT International Office and Chair, Master of Urban Housing Program. She has engaged in academics, professional practice and research in areas of housing policy and projects, urban planning and legislations, urban regeneration and gentrification policies, and participatory urban governance. She has engaged with national, state and local governments, multilateral agencies, civil society organizations, national and international research and academic institutions. She teaches courses on housing legislations, policy and programs; affordable housing projects; smart cities; and studio on Urban Housing Strategy. She has undertaken international studios on urban development plans in collaboration with universities in Srilanka, Thailand, Bhutan, Cardiff, China and Kenya. She has been conferred Doctoral degree by University of Twente, Netherlands in the field of participatory urban governance for the poor. As Head of International Office, she has steered academic and research collaborations with institutions of excellence in Australia, China, France, Italy, Spain, Kenya etc. in various disciplines of Human Habitat studies.
Degree | Institution | Field | Year of Completion |
PhD | Uiversity of Twente (Netherlands) | Citizenship, rights and urban governance | 2016 |
M Plan | CEPT, Ahmedabad | Environmental Planning | 1996 |
B.E (Civil) | L.D.College of Engineering, Ahmedabad | Civi Engineering | 1994 |
Areas of Expertise
Urban planning, policies and legislations~ Housing Policy and Projects~Participatory governance~Professional practice for urban planners (conduct, ethics and values)
Courses Taught
Sr No. | Course Name | Semester |
1 | Housing Project Formulation, Appraisal and Implementation | M-2021 |
2 | Smart Cities | M-2021 |
3 | Urban Planning - Practices and Case Studies | M-2021 |
4 | Housing Policy | S-2021 |
5 | Housing Strategy | S-2021 |
6 | Land and Property Valuation | S-2021 |
7 | Thesis/DRP/Capstone Project | S-2021 |
Research/Design Projects in Areas of Expertise
- Research and Academic Exchange Grant for student and faculty exchange under Study Mission Grant to UK-India Education Research Initiative in collaboration with School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University in capacity of India Project leader. (The grant was for academic and research exchange on ‘Urban Planning and Design knowledge and skills beyond borders’ through joint studios. Part of grant was to facilitate travel of 30 students and 2 faculties from CEPT to UK and 20 students of Cardiff and faculties to travel to CEPT for a studio on Neighborhood Planning. Each CEPT student received a travel and subsistence grant of INR 45000.)
- Research and Academic Exchange Grant under UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) Staff Exchange Program for Exchange with School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University. The research was focused on ‘Urban Planning and Design knowledge and skills beyond knowledge’ as exchange of learnings from Cardiff and UK and Gujarat and Indian context.
- Doctoral Research Grant by European Union (Erasmus Grant) for Doctoral research in University of Twente, The Netherlands.
- Travel Grant by City Development Initiative Asia (CDIA) –ADB for Short Course on ‘Training of Facilitators for PreFeasibility Studies’ on Urban Infrastructure projects.
Research Articles and Book Chapters in Areas of Expertise
International peer reviewed Journals
- Patel, S., Sliuzas, R., & Mathur, N. (2015). The risk of impoverishment in urban development-induced displacement and resettlement in Ahmedabad. Environment and Urbanization, 27(1), 231-256.
- Patel, S., Sliuzas, R., & Georgiadou, Y. (2016(forthcoming)). Participatory local governance in Asian cities: invited,closed or claimed spaces for urban poor?. Environment & Urbanization Asia, 7(1).
- Patel, S., & Mandhyan, R. (2014). Impoverishment assessment of slum dwellers after off-site and on-site resettlement: a case of Indore. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 15 (2), 104-127.
- Dubagunta, G., & Patel, S. (2016). Outreach of Pro-poor Housing Programs and Projects: Is it sustained? International Journal Of Built Environment And Sustainability, 3(1), 365-373.
National peer reviewed Journals/ Edited Book Section
- Patel, S. and S. Jukur (2016). "Policy response to spatial illegality, displacement, resettlement and impoverishment of urban poor." Shelter 17(2): 37-49
- Patel, S. (2016 ). The politics of land and Infrastructure development. E Pathshala: Sociology. S. Patel. New Delhi, UGC, MHRD,. 17.
- Dubagunta, G. S., & Patel, S. (2015). Efforts of Affordable Housing Supply Models-Futile or Worthwhile? Shelter, 16(2), 18-27.
- Patel, S., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2015). Conceptualising smart cities for unique urban development context of India. Nirman, 87(1), 30-38.
- Mell, I., Patel, S., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2014). Smart Cities: What value will they bring to urban development in India? Shelter, 15(2), 77-90.
International Conference Proceeding Papers ( since 2011)
- Patel, K, & Patel, S. (2016). Degree Of Citizen Participation In Participatory Local Governance: A Case Of Pune XVII Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (NAERUS) Conference. Gothenburg: School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg
- Jukur, S. S., & Patel, S. (2015). Government or Markets? An Evaluation of policy rhetoric and ongoing practices in Housing programs in Maharashtra. XVI Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-AERUS) Conference. Dortmund: Technische Universität, Germany
- Solanki, A., & Patel, S. (2015). Diversity in urbanism characteristics of medium size twin towns. XVI Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-AERUS) Conference. Dortmund: Technische Universität, Germany
- Dubagunta, G. S., & Patel, S. (2015). Outreach of pro-poor housing programs and projects: Is it sustained? 13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA). Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi
- Goyal, P., & Patel, S. (2015). A framework for financing metro rail infrastructure through land value capture mechanisms : Case of Jaipur. 13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA). Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi
- Yadav, P., & Patel, S. (2015). Sustainable city, Livable city, Global city or Smart City: what value addition does smart city bring to these paradigms in the context of global south? 13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA). Johor Bahru, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi
- Jukur, S. S., & Patel, S. (2015). Government or Markets: Comparative Efficiency and Efficacy of Pro-poor housing supply mechanisms in India. 13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA). Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi
- Solanki, A., & Patel, S. (2015). Non identical twin towns: Diversity in urbanism characteristics. 13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA). Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi
- Patel, S. (2015). E-Learning : Opportunities, Issues and Challenges, International Workshop on ‘E-Learning Methods and Instruments’, GIZ India. New Delhi : GIZ India
- Patel, S. (2014). Smart Cities : Discourse, Concepts and Potential of a travelling concept. International Conference on Smart Cities, Gujarat Technological University. Gandhinagar
- Patel, S., & Mandhyan, R. (2013). Improverishment assessment of slum dwellers after In situ and off-site relocations. XIV Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-AERUS) Conference. Enschede: ITC, Netherlands
- Gupta, K., & Patel, S. (2014). Long term prognosis of slum rehabilitation settlements in cities of global south: a failure or success? UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference. Oxford. Oxford Brooke’s University
- Patel, S. (2011). Community exclusions in slum upgradation programs in India: Empowerment through Judicial Interventions?. 11th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA). Tokyo: Tokyo University
- Patel, S. (2011). Governance of slum upgradation programs: in the shadow of hierarchy? AESOP Young Academics. Delft: Technology University of Delft, Delft Netherlands
- Patel, S. (2015). Smart Cities : Performance measurement, benchmarking and practices codes. National Conference on ‘A global overview of Smart Cities in India’ Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Gujarat Technological University Gandhinagar
- Patel, S. (2015). Smart Cities : Debate on Definitions, Concepts and Performance Measurement Frameworks. National Workshop on ‘Smart Cities : Prospects and Challenges’, Department of Civil Engineering, PDPU. Gandhinagar: PDPU
Presented Papers and Invited Lectures in Areas of Expertise
Invited lectures and presentations
- Patel, S. (2015). 100 Smart Cities and New Urban Development Mission of India. National Workshop on Developing Orientation Skills to Meet the Challenges of new Urban Development Missions. Government of Punjab-Haryana and Institute for Spatial Planning and Environment Research, India (ISPER).Chandigarh
- Patel, S. (2015). Participatory local governance in Asian cities: invited, closed or claimed spaces for negotiations for the urban poor? National Seminar on ‘Economic Development Across Sectors: Understanding Development Discourses’, Department of Economics Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. Bhavnagar
- Patel, S. (2014). Right to the City in the Neoliberal urban transformations. National Seminar on ‘Economic Development Across Sectors: Discourses on Theories, Issues and Policies’, Department of Economics Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. Bhavnagar
- Patel, S. (2015). Smart Cities : Academic Response and Thematic Areas. International Workshop on Smart cities: Urban Utopias or the Future of Cities. Ahmedabad : Centre For Urban Equity, CEPT University
- September 2015. Potentials and Challenges of 100 Smart Cities Mission, MOUD. Public Lecture hosted by Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Town Planning, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, State University of Haryana. Sonepat.
- Patel, S. (2014). Urban Planning and Land Management Framework in India and Gujarat. International Training Program on Urban Planning, Infrastructure & Service Delivery, of urban officials, CBUD, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India., Ahmedabad, Singapore, Kuala Lampur and Melaka.
- May, 2013. Urban Regeneration & Displacement of the poor in Neoliberalising cities of global south. Public Lecture hosted by the Spatial Planning and City Environments Research Group, Cardiff University. Cardiff.
- Patel, S. (2013). Urban Planning and Land Management Innovations in Gujarat. International Training Program of Elected wing on Urban Planning, Infrastructure & Service Delivery, CBUD, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Singapore.
- May 2015. Education and Practice in Urban Planning : Opportunities and Challenges. Public Lecture hosted by Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers and Architects (GICEA), Ahmedabad.
- September 2015. Journey through Doctoral Research : Proposal to Synthesis, Manuscript or Monographs, Publish or Perish. Ph.D Research Colloquium, CEPT University. Ahmedabad
- August 2015. Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development in India : Framework, Potential and Challenges. Opening Lecture, B.Tech Program, Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering. Ahmedabad
- September 2015. Approaches to increasing access to affordable shelter in urban India. National Institute of Cooperative Management(NICM), Gandhinagar
- Patel, S. (2014). Positioning Urban poor in the Neoliberal Urban Development in India. Economics Conclave, Department of Economics, School of Liberal Studies, Pandit Deendyal Petroleum University (PDPU), Gandhinagar
- Patel, S. (2014). Neoliberal Reforms and Urban Development : Inclusive or exclusionary growth? Refresher Course in Economics, Department of Economics under Academic Staff College, Gujarat University. Ahmedabad
- Patel, S. (2013). Approach to Developing Doctoral Research Proposal. Training Programme for Ph.D. Scholars, Academic Staff College, Gujarat University. Ahmedabad
- December 11, 2012, Workshop on ‘A Framework for Sustainable Sanitation Solutions’ by Public Systems Group at the Indian Institute of Management (IIMA), Ahmedabad.
Professional Honors, Prizes, Fellowships, Grant-in Aids
- Editorial Board Member, Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, International peer reviewed journal published by published twice a year by the University of Technology Sydney Press and is a platform for academics and local government practitioners across the Commonwealth to publish policy relevant papers
- Reviewer, Environment and Urbanisation, International peer reviewed journal, Sage Publications
- Reviewer, Environment and Urbanisation ASIA, International peer reviewed journal, Sage Publications
- Reviewer, Cities, International peer reviewed journal, Elsevier
- Reviewer, Review of Urban Affairs, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), National peer reviewed journal
- Reviewer, Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, International peer reviewed journal , University of Technology Sydney Press Publication