About Workshops
CEPT University Workshops are structured as an open environment for material-based learning. Experimentation with materials, prototyping, testing, craft explorations and learning while making is an integral part of the design culture at CEPT University.
The safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors is a priority in every activity. The Workshops provide resources such as equipment, facilities, staff support and instruction to all students and faculty of CEPT University for exploration and investigation into material based research.
The Workshops’ main building is located near the Faculty of Design building covering about 7100 sq. ft. The main building houses Wood, Metal, Ceramic, Textiles and the Fab-Lab facilities. The Workshops’ annexure is located near the Faculty of Architecture building covering about 1100 sq. ft. and is dedicated to model making activities.
The Workshop resources are focused on supporting students to make high quality models, prototypes and innovative products by providing:
• Orientation to safety procedures
• Accessibility and technical support
• Coaching to develop skills
• Celebrate novel outcomes and
• Augment facilities continually