About the Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The CEPT Environmental Engineering Laboratory was established in the year 2015 and upgraded in the year 2016 – 17. The built and ambient environment need to be monitored for pollutant levels as they impact human health. The laboratory is equipped with equipment to analyze water, wastewater and air pollution parameters. The type of tests, which can be performed in water, wastewater, ambient air and stack monitoring is listed below.
Sr. No. | Material | Types of Tests as per applicable IS code |
1 | Water and Wastewater | Determination of pH (IS 3025: Part 11: 2022) Determination of Turbidity (IS 3025: Part 10: 2023) Determination of Conductivity (IS 3025: Part 14: 2013) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Total Solids (TS) (IS 3025: Part 15: 2023) Determination of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) (IS 3025: Part 16: 2023) Determination of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (IS 3025: Part 17: 2022) Determination of Total Volatile and Fixed Solids (VSS) (IS 3025: Part 18: 2022) Determination of Chlorides (IS 3025: Part 32: 1988) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Acidity (IS 3025: Part 22: 1986) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Alkalinity (IS 3025: Part 23: 2023) Determination of Total Hardness (IS 3025: Part 21: 2009) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Calcium (IS 3025: Part 40: 1991) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Magnesium (IS 3025: Part 46: 2023) Determination of Chlorine Demand (IS 3025: Part 26: 2021) Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) (IS 3025: Part 58: 2023) Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (IS 3025: Part 38: 1989) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (IS 3025: Part 44: 2023) Determination of Total Nitrogen (IS 3025: Part 34: 1988) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Nitrate (IS 3025: Part 34: Sec 3: 2021) Determination of Nitrite (IS 3025: Part 34: Sec 3: 2021) |
2 | Ambient Air | Determination of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) (PM10) (IS 5182: Part 23: 2006) (Reaffirmed 2022) Determination of Fine Particulate Matter (FPM) (PM2.5) (IS 5182: Part 24: 2019) Determination of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) (IS 5182: Part 6: 2006) (Reaffirmed 2022) Determination of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) (IS 5182: Part 2: 2001) (Reaffirmed 2022]) Determination of Ozone (IS 5182: Part 9: 1974) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Ammonia (IS 5182: Part 25: 2018) |
3 | Process Stack/ Vent Emission/ Flue gas stack emission | Determination of Particulate Matter from Stationary Source (IS 11255: Part 1: 1985) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Emissions from Stationary Sources (IS 11255: Part 2: 1985) (Reaffirmed 2019) Determination of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Emissions from Stationary Sources (IS 11255: Part 7: 2005) (Reaffirmed 2022) |
4 | Noise | Noise monitoring (CPCB Guidelines 2015) |
List of Major Instruments in the Environmental Engineering Laboratory