One-on-one student consultations

The Writing Centre can help you draft the structural plan for your writing — how much space to devote to each argument or point, and then, how to arrange these blocks into a larger piece. 

This means help with writing course work, reports, research projects undertaken at the end of undergraduate and graduate studies, PhD proposals, research proposals, and other forms of writing. 

The Writing Center will

  • help brainstorm
  • help move past writing blocks
  • help select effective strategies to read, write and present
  • help set up a process and plan for your writing
  • offer a reader’s perspective on what works in text you have written

The Writing Center will not

  • help write your assignments. Or rewrite. We’ll offer edits and readings (if needed)
  • debate the grades the tutor gives 
  • edit and proofread 

For one-on-one consultations in person or online for coursework, extra-curricular writing or anything communication related, we are available on appointment on Thursdays post lunch 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm. You shall receive an email to confirm your appointment. Write to