Education Loan

Education Loan Info

Students at CEPT University can avail of Special Educational Loan from the Bank list to fund their education at CEPT University . Please refer to the pdf document attached in the side link (Education Loan Info) for loan details and other information from listed banks. Students/their parents can contact the bank personnel directly to avail of the loan.

A student will need to produce the following documents from CEPT University .

  • Cost of Education/Bonafide Certificate /Fee structure/ will be available at the Finance Department.

Please note that students may also opt for Education Loan from any other Bank. The total loan amount can typically include students Fees, Accommodation, Food Expenses, Laptop, Books, Study Materials, Stationery, Field Trips etc., for which students could calculate his/her individual estimated expenses.

CEPT's offer to students taking Education Loan

For a student availing an Education Loan, CEPT University will reimburse 50% of the interest paid by a student/ parent during the Study period of the student at CEPT University . In case the interest is paid after the study period is over, no subsidy will be offered on interest paid. Please note that this proposal is applicable only to students whose household income is below Rs.10 lakh and the students should have not received any financial help from any other source. The student will be required to show proof of these requirements.

The Student Services Office will further announce the process required to be followed in order to avail of CEPT's interest subsidy offer at the end of the financial year.

Note: Bank loan interest subsidy is applicable to loans from all banks.

If you have any questions, please contact or