Teaching and Learning Center
Level 2 Studios
Level 2 studios are an attempt to strengthen the undergraduate programs at CEPT. Here, the 2nd and 3rd year studios are integrated to enhance peer to peer learning and function as a learning community. Each student has to complete four LVL 2 Studio units during their 2nd and 3rd year of study. It will focus on programs of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), Bachelor of Interior Design (B.ID), and Bachelor of Urban Design (B.UD).Traditionally design studios focus on a typology based approach, increasing in complexity over the years. Now, Level 2 studios are focused on a abilities-based approach. Each unit will clearly focus on developing one of the three abilities
(i) Visualizing and Communicating: Ability to visualize objects, structures, spaces and landscapes with specified objective and subjective qualities; ability to communicate their visualizations using various mediums.
(ii) Constructing and Specifying: Ability to imagine how the objects, structures and landscapes can be made or constructed; ability to draw up technical drawings and specification to direct their making or construction.
(iii) Planning and organizing: Ability to logically and analytically plan or organize activities in layouts, spaces and structures so as to meet objective and subjective specifications.
Apart from this, all intermediate units will focus on cultivating the proficiency for Arguments and Rationales: The ability to build and communicate persuasive arguments and explanations for their proposals.