
Laboratory Rules

CEPT Laboratory Services (CLS) Rules & Regulation July 2024


Rules and regulations are necessary for the laboratory to safeguard the students, laboratory staff, other laboratory users, machinery and instruments and to keep the laboratory well-ordered and clean. Students and users are expected to abide by these rules and regulations.

General instructions for students:

  1. Respect the laboratory staff and its other users. Decent behaviour is required in the laboratory with staff and
  2. Raised voices are not allowed in the laboratory. Noise must be kept to a
  3. Violation of discipline will not be tolerated in the
  4. Food is not allowed in the
  5. Students should keep their bags at the designated
  6. Appropriate clothing should be worn while working in the laboratories. Shoes that provide full coverage of the feet should be worn. Sandals, slippers, or open-toed shoes are not allowed.

Instructions for students while working in the laboratory:

  1. Laboratory working hours: five working days from 9.00 am to 6.30 pm. Each semester, the laboratory timetable is included for all laboratory-based studios and courses.
  2. Laboratory-based DRP students can work in the laboratory during working hours. The students must strictly follow the laboratory timetable. Late students are not allowed for laboratory work. Work is not permitted in the laboratory after the laboratory working hours without the permission of the laboratory coordinator and concerned faculty members. In special cases, to avail of the laboratory facilities after 6:30 pm, students need to apply to laboratory coordinator duly signed by a concerned faculty member in advance. In no case, an extension will be given beyond 8.00 pm.
  3. DRP students are responsible for bringing the required materials for their laboratory-based research. Stocking of the material will only be in areas provided by laboratory staff. Students will take away the materials from the laboratory within one week after completing their laboratory work. If students do not take the materials within the stipulated time, laboratory staff will not be responsible for misplacement or damage of materials.
  4. Students are not allowed to work alone in the laboratory; a laboratory staff or faculty member must be present.
  5. Unknown persons are not allowed in the laboratory; if it is necessary to take the help of outside persons, it is necessary to take prior permission from the laboratory coordinator.
  6. The laboratory coordinator and staff's permission must be obtained before using the laboratory and operating any machinery or
  7. Handle all apparatus with care. Students are not allowed to use any instrument or machinery without prior orientation. Consult laboratory staff if you are not sure how to operate the equipment.
  8. All the machinery, instruments, and laboratory space used must be cleaned properly after completion of work at the end of the day and must be checked by laboratory staff.
  9. Rinse the concrete drum and pan mixture with water immediately after use and clean them
  10. All equipment, apparatus and tools must be returned to their designated places after use. Students who do not put these in their designated places will be disallowed from further laboratory use.
  11. Report immediately to the laboratory staff and the laboratory coordinator if any damage to equipment machinery apparatus or any problem regarding machinery operations occurs. Students are liable for any equipment or machinery damage due to their
  12. A number of apparatus such as moulds, spanners, nuts and bolts must be the same after completion of laboratory work. Otherwise, a fine will be charged from
  13. Any waste product generated after laboratory work must be disposed of at the designated place.

Instructions for students during issuing laboratory items:

  1. Obtain approval from laboratory staff before using the laboratory items and make an entry in the register. At the end of the day, return all the items to laboratory staff, who will check all the items and inform the students if damage or wear and tear has occurred.
  2. Students are strictly prohibited from taking out any item (equipment/instruments/accessories/tools) from the laboratory without the permission of the laboratory staff. Students can take the items outside the laboratory based on availability when permitted. Entry of the items in the register is a must. Also, mention the date of return of items. For major items costing more than Rs 10,000, if students fail to return the items on or before the return date, Rs. 150 per day late return / overdue charges will be paid by the students. For minor items costing less than Rs 10,000, students will pay Rs. 50 per day as overdue
  3. If students take tools, machinery or equipment outside the laboratory and any damage, misplacing, or wear and tear occurs, students are responsible for paying the actual

Instructions for students during injury/accidents/emergency:

  1. Students should know what to do in case of an emergency. The first aid kit is available in the cement testing area of the CEPT laboratory.
  2. Report immediately to the laboratory staff and laboratory coordinator if any student injury has
  3. In case of any medical emergency, inform the Student Service Office (SSO) and dial 108 for the

For CEPT University faculty:

  1. Faculty members of CEPT University can use the laboratory facilities to do laboratory-based research. The laboratory is not liable for providing the materials required for faculty members to do their research. They will bring and stock the materials required for the research work. If space is available in the laboratory for stocking the materials, it is provided. Otherwise, they will manage on their
  2. Faculty members will take their materials from laboratory space within ten working days after completion of laboratory work. Laboratory staff is not responsible for damage or misplacing of
  3. If, after stocking, the materials remain idle for more than a month, faculty members will take away their materials from the laboratory due to a shortage of space.
  4. A respective faculty member will bear the transportation cost of the materials required to do the research

For students other than CEPT University: 

  1. CEPT University alums and students of other universities are also allowed to work in the laboratory with the prior permission of the laboratory coordinator. Outside students must submit the application letter stating the purpose and duration of use of the laboratory, duly signed by the guide or supervisor and college authority. The students must bear the purchasing and transportation costs of the materials required for research work. CEPT University laboratory will charge outside students for machinery use, electricity and labour charges. The laboratory coordinator will decide the charges.
  2. After completing laboratory work, outside students will take away the materials within five working days. After that period, laboratory staff will not be responsible if materials are misplaced or wear and tear occurs.